2004 Nicole Barker 2004 Nicole Barker

Skratch Magazine (June 2004)

For the SKRATCH 100th anniversary issue, drummer Adrian Young was nice enough to spend some time with me and answer all the questions I have had building up for the past 10 years.

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2004 Nicole Barker 2004 Nicole Barker

Yamaha All Access (Summer 2004)

“We’d decided to take some time apart after touring behind our last record, Rock Steady," explains band bassist Tony Kanal. “Being in a band together this long is like being married. We wanted to reenergize ourselves and get back together when we had something to say musically.”

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2004 Nicole Barker 2004 Nicole Barker

Vancouver Sun (Feb. 18th 2004)

No Doubt fans may detest the idea of Stefani busting up a good thing - and if the band does split, she's sure to be blamed - but at least one bandmate doesn't begrudge his friend solo success.

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