TODAY (May 6th 2014)


Adam’s Hair

KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: As you know, Hoda woman had a lot of fun last night getting a front row seat for all the performances on The Voice.

RYAN EGGOLD: Some people are talking about the hair--


RYAN EGGOLD: --the Adam hair.

KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Everybody is talking about the hair.

HODA KOTB: All right. Well, here is the-- the deal. I got to sit down with all four of the coaches, Adam, Shakira, Usher and Blake and it was hard to focus on anything but that lid. Take a look.

(Begin VT)

HODA KOTB: All right. Let's focus on the most important thing at the table, there is only one important thing happening at the table, and it is happening at that end. And it's that lid. Okay. I want everyone's assessment on Adam's hair.

SHAKIRA: Blonde is rule.

ADAM LEVINE: Yeah, more fun.

SHAKIRA: It's bold.

USHER: I love Slim Shady.

(Excerpt from Eminem's Slim Shady)

HODA KOTB: Why did you go blonde?

ADAM LEVINE: I don't know-- I don't know it's such a-- people are talking about it. It is so funny because I be just-- I just woke up and I've never done that before.

SHAKIRA: Those have more fun.

BLAKE SHELTON: Wait a minute. Are you confused about why people are talking about it? Your hair went from brown yesterday to yellow today.

ADAM LEVINE: Well, yeah, but, I mean, there are a lot more important things to care about.

BLAKE SHELTON: It's noticeable. No, it's big time stuff. You are the sexiest man in America.


ADAM LEVINE: That's not--

BLAKE SHELTON: And now, you are the sexiest woman. It's a big deal.

HODA KOTB: So what's-- what's your Blake-- you best Blake imitation? Let's do it. Yeah. Your best one.

ADAM LEVINE: (Unintelligible) white bread, white mayonnaise, white. White. He says white-- he says white like that.

HODA KOTB: I have a question about you two. You guys-- you guys each only-- you have one artist left. How nervous are you guys going into this because there is just, you know, you have got one. You got all your hopes on one.

USHER: Well, I mean, it makes it a little bit easier, actually, because now we can have-- like or be mono-focused.


USHER: And I feel like the work that, you know, Josh has put in has been really incredible. He's a-- a married man and has children-- it's a lot of stress, but yet he is-- every week he's showing that.

(Excerpt from The Voice)

HODA KOTB: At the end of this, you guys, only one is going to be standing. You all have great people. Is it going to be yours, Shakira?

SHAKIRA: I hope so. You know, I have given my hundred and ten percent on her. She has-- she has an amazing talent. She is also very honest and I think that people are discovering her and-- and realizing how sincere she is.

(Excerpt from The Voice)

ADAM LEVINE: So what's great about it is that of the top eight that are left, any one of them, regardless of who wins, can wind up having a great career.

HODA KOTB: I had a chance to sit down yesterday with Gwen Stefani and Pharrell and what advice do you guys have for them? You guys have all sat in these big chairs and they're going to be coming in. Advice for these guys?

USHER: Okay, well, what I would say is you really have to speak from, I guess, the vantage point of all of the experience in years that you had, you know? Each artist is different.

HODA KOTB: Shakira, what do you think for-- for Gwen or Pharrell?

SHAKIRA: I think that they-- they will both do a terrific job. Pharrell is unafraid and he is always trying anything and-- Gwen is so smart and cool and I'm sure that she will have the hype to deal with these guys.

HODA KOTB: Isn't it hard being the only girl?

SHAKIRA: They crack some-- some jokes that, you know, you don't want to be around.

ADAM LEVINE: I tell fart jokes. I tell fart jokes and they just farts.

SHAKIRA: You don't want to hear the things that I have to hear.

ADAM LEVINE (video clip): Hold on a second. Are you kidding me?

CARSON DALY (video clip): Is there somebody on the

HODA KOTB: By the way, where is the revenge? We're waiting patiently? He gave out your number. He totally slammed you, okay.

ADAM LEVINE: I never see it coming. My lips are sealed, you guys. I would never reveal my tactics as far as taking him down.

BLAKE SHELTON: Yeah, I think what he did with his hair is a joke that he's playing on me. Because it's like, huh, huh, I can't believe you thought I would ever do that.

(End VT)


People (May 8th 2014)


TODAY (April 21st 2014)