(May 6th 2011)


OFFSTAGE: Blake Shelton Sees Mom as a Friend

If Blake Shelton’s mother is reading this, she might want to grab some Kleenex. Blake had so many precious things to say about her now that Mother’s Day is approaching. And it says a lot about what kind of man he is because of what a good job she did raising him. And how hard it was to let him move to Nashville at 17. “She is protective and a worry wart, but she’s also smart enough to know that had she tried to stand in my way, we probably would have gotten sideways over it,” he told CMT Radio. “It was one of those things where she had to grin and bear it.” But it sounds like that mother-son relationship only got better from there. “We’re closer now than we’ve ever been. I think a lot of that has to do with me growing up and becoming an adult and realizing that I wasn’t the smartest person on earth from 17 to 29, like I thought I was. I’ve leaned on her more in the last four years than I have in my entire life for advice. We’ve gotten to know each other beyond mother and son. We’ve become friends. When my mom pulls into the driveway, I don’t roll my eyes like a lot of people do when they see their mom coming,” he admitted. “I’m excited because she’s so much fun to be around, the older I get, especially.”


The Los Angeles Times (May 10th 2011)


Tulsa World (May 6th 2011)