The New York Post (April 7th 2000)


No Doubt lets it all out

After a two-year respite from the music world and the giant success of their career-establishing album, "Tragic Kingdom," Southern California's No Doubt is back, with a new disc out on Tuesday and a concert at the Roseland Ballroom last night.

Singer Gwen Stefani explained that the new album, "Return of Saturn," is a personal confessional named after the 29-year solar cycle of the planet Saturn.

In this interview, the fuchsia-haired Stefani -- who just turned 30 -- revealed that the last couple of years have been turbulent, due in large part to her breakup with longtime boyfriend Tony Kanal, who's still a bandmate.

In addition, her brother left the band, adding to the pressure of trying to create an album as good as or better than "Tragic Kingdom," which sold 15 million copies.

In regard to those couple of years, Stefani said, "I feel turned inside out writing this album -- it's everything that I have been in the last two years, which has been a really hard time for me. There is a lightness in me since finishing it."

Her songwriting partner, guitarist Tom Dumont, also spoke with The Post, praising the singer's resilience and musical ability, as well as expressing his own resignations about the darker side of the music industry.

Post: With all the success No Doubt has enjoyed over the last several years, you've kept a low profile. Have you been enjoying the stardom?

Gwen: Not really. These last couple of years have been a dip. All I asked myself was, man, who am I? Why was I always a happy-go-lucky person and everything is so confusing now?

Post: What answers did you came up with?

Gwen: I didn't. I don't know if I've figured anything out, but the weight is lighter. A lot of it may have had something to do with growing and getting to know myself better. I had this depression that I couldn't shake with a big bowl of ice cream. I thought, I hope I'm not one of those people who live in a world where the fantasy was all over and life just sucks. But I don't feel that way anymore.

Post: Are your songs written from life experience?

Gwen: The songs on this album are a good snapshot of my life. I really dug inside of myself and tried to put out something that really reflects me. I wanted it to come from my heart.

Post: Is there any song you guys didn't like at first that actually made it onto the album?

Tom: Well, Gwen didn't care for "Six Feet Under," but Glen [Ballard, the album's producer] convinced us that that song had great energy and a great vibe. It turned into something neat.

Post: Gwen, you're young and beautiful, and that song looks at your own mortality. Is your demise really on your mind these days?

Gwen: Of course, it's my life. "Six Feet Under" is about where I've been, who I am, and the fact that I am going to be dead someday. It is a song about the life cycle. My grandma just passed away, and my sister just had a baby. This stuff's been on my mind.

Post: A few years ago, when No Doubt was just making it big, there was a Spin magazine cover where the entire band was photographed, but the editors cut everyone out of the picture except for Gwen. How did the band feel?

Tom: That happened in 1996, and we were on tour in Europe, and our manager called and said they would put No Doubt on the cover, but they only wanted Gwen.

We were all hurt, because we all worked to get to that point. We're all best friends, and we got cut out -- it's that simple. It got blown out of proportion. We weren't whining to get attention. We wanted Gwen to be on the cover, but we wanted to be recognized, too.

Post: In retrospect, does it still bother you guys?

Tom: It sucks, but it is the way this business is run. A band is like a building. It has a foundation, girders and structure, and it also should look good. We all have roles and we are all good at them. I mean, I could never do what Gwen does.

Post: What does she do?

Tom: She is really amazing, and she is so important to our success. When she sings, people identify with her. It is an amazing, beautiful thing.

Post: Gwen, Tom describes you as a girl with the heart of a rock star, but the song "Simple Kind of Life" is a very anti-rock-star song. Which is it?

Gwen: I've always been the nerd of rock stars. I remember thinking, compared to that girl, or that guy, I really can't pull this off, but I ended up just trying to be honest. I learned that early on in the band. I have a weird life, but I'm not weird. I'm the most normal person you'll ever talk to.

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