blake + gwen II 'you make it feel like christmas' music video
The music video for Blake and Gwen’s duet, You Make It Feel Like Christmas, was released today. It was directed by Sophie Muller.
gwen + blake II preview of 'you make it feel like christmas' mv
Gwen posted images that appear to be stills from a music video for her and Blake’s festive duet ‘You Make It Feel Like Christmas’.
blake II turnin' me on' (live)
Blake released Turnin’ Me On (Live at Henson Recording Studios).
blake II turnin' me on video
Blake’s team released a performance of Turnin’ Me On to Spotify’s Hot Country playlist.
blake II i lived it: behind the scenes
Behind the scenes footage of 'I Lived It' was released.
blake II preview of 'i lived it'
Blake released a preview of his music video for I Lived It.
blake II throwback series - why me
Blake released the first in his Texoma Shore Throwback Series - Why Me.
gwen II 'you make it feel like christmas' lyric video
Gwen released a lyric video for You Make It Feel Like Christmas.
blake II i'll name the dogs
'I'll Name The Dogs', the first single from Blake's as yet unnamed next album, is released today.
blake II video shoot - behind the scenes
Bobby Bones goes behind the scenes of the video shoot for 'I'll Name The Dogs'. We also hear a few lines of the new single.
blake II ol' red (live at wildhorse saloon)
This live performance of Ol' Red from Blake's gig at the Wildhorse Saloon was released to YouTube.
blake II doing it to country songs
The animated video for Doing It To Country Songs was released to YouTube.