blake II canadian country music awards

Blake presented and performed at the Canadian Country Music Awards.

He also took plenty of photos with other artists and with fans.

27 Likes, 1 Comments - Sage Strong (@robin_daniels11) on Instagram: "Shout out to Blake Shelton👌🏽the only artist to stop and take photos with the die hard fans after..."

2 Likes, 1 Comments - Trissa (@trissamusic) on Instagram: "CCMA's were a blast!!!!! #blakeshelton #canadiancountrymusicawards #ccmas"

203 Likes, 11 Comments - Paul Hardy (@paulhardyinc) on Instagram: "...and then this happened. #ccmaawards"

112 Likes, 5 Comments - Madison O'Neill (@madison.r.oneill) on Instagram: "Unreal.. #CCMAawards"


gwen II church


blake II ccmas rehearsal