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Gwen Stefani Talks Beauty In This Exclusive Interview

As the uber-cool frontwoman of No DoubtGwen Stefani was every girl's style and beauty icon in the '90s. The singer wore braces, blue hair, and baby bangs without hesitation—and while the trends she started sometimes felt too bold for us regular gals, we did learn the importance of embracing your choices and wearing things with confidence from her examples.

Now, at 47, the singer, television personality, and fashion designer is considered a global beauty icon. You can't mention platinum blonde hair and bright red lipstick without thinking of her—it's safe to say that she's in the same league as her idols Marilyn Monroe and Jean Harlow.


Who is your number one beauty icon?

I think my love for red lipstick probably came from my love for Old Hollywood and Hollywood glamour, and seeing images of Marilyn Monroe and Jean Harlow and anything vintage. I think the first time I wore red lipstick was when my grandmother gave me for Christmas a multi-color lipstick tube of all different colors, and there was a dark [shade], almost like a burnt red—a really deep red, and I tried it on. I remember exactly where I was. I was sitting in my car, in the driveway, and I put it on in the rear view mirror.

What are the top beauty lessons you've learned over the years?

Keep your hands away from your face once your makeup is set. For me, it's all about getting everything in place when I do my makeup, and when you touch up, just not to overdo it with powder.

How would you describe your makeup look today? How is it different from what you wore in the '90s and early '00s?

I think the difference is that I've just learned so much about not being scared to try new looks. And on a daily basis, I feel like I explore new looks—especially in some of my down time, I love to try things that I didn't think I could do or pull off, and then I'll get into a groove and that will be my new look. 

What beauty trends from the past do you want to make a comeback, and which ones would you not want to see again?

I feel like what is coming back right now is blue eyeliner which I first saw in the 8th grade, which was a huge trend. I think for me, I welcome anything back. There's nothing trend-wise that I wouldn't want to revisit.


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