Cleo (July 2004)


The first lady of rock

A fashion label. A music career. A so-gorgeous husband. Welcome to Gwen Stefani’s world.

Picture this: You’re Gwen Stefani. You front No Doubt, one of the coolest rock bands in the world, and the guys in the group are so close they’re practically your family. You married Bush lead singer Gavin Rossdale in a heavenly dipped-in-pink dress. You’ve launched a fashion label called LAMB that celebs are loving and you’re about to star in the Martin Scorsese film The Aviator. Can life get any better? Um, not really…

You’re known as a style icon. How did that happen?

When people started talking about how I dressed in the early days, I was always dismissive of it. If you’re in a band, it’s really uncool to talk about what you’re wearing. You just wear it. It’s [meant to be all] about the music, but obviously that’s not true. I do make a effort and I’ve always loved clothes.My mum loved clothes too and I think it’s in my blood. Every Christmas, my great-grandma would sew pyjamas, quilts and clothes for everyone in the family. I’d go to her house and her whole back room was full of fabrics. She would start on New Year’s Day and work all year long. My grandma made all my mum’s clothes. My mum didn’t even get a say in the matter. She’d come home and her mum would say, “Here’s your prom dress.” Then my mum made all my clothes. We’d go to the fabric store, look through the books and choose the patterns, the buttons and the zips. I love clothes and fashion – it’s an extension of my personality. It really isn’t important in life, but it’s fun.

Did you always love unusual clothes, rather than chain-store fashion?

I’ve always loved shopping and making my own outfits. When I was young and Mum said, “Let’s go to the mall”, I always replied, “Can’t I just go to the thrift store? You get really good stuff there.” I would buy the clothes and then alter everything on our sewing machine. My bedroom was always the one you didn’t go into – unless you wanted to get pins stuck in your foot. I was always doing projects and making my own clothes.

Have you always been close to your family?

My family is really tight. When the band started, everyone would come over to our house and Mum would drive them around. The Stefani’s were like the Brady Bunch. The day I got my nose pierced, we were playing a local show and my mum drove me there. We’re really close.

When No Doubt started, you were only a teenager. Did you make your own clothes then?

I’ve always made my own clothes. When we first went on tour, I sat around and made three outfits; they were Disneyland-cartoonish dresses. Then I got lucky, made more money and hooked up with a girl who made clothes for me. I could just call her, tell her what I wanted and she’d send me different fabric samples. So I’d be on tour and could ask for polka-dot pants in yellow and a top with black stripes. When you’re on tour, you don’t have time to buy clothes. Then I met Andrea Lieberman, a stylist who is so cool. She streamlined my ideas and improved them. I was blown away.

You have your own fashion line now, LAMB. How is that?

To be here talking about it is beyond me. I didn’t know what I was doing, but it was so much fun. I got inspiration from designers, stole ideas from everyone, and then thought, “What do I want to wear?” I started making clothes and doing drawings. I had so many things going on; it became so overwhelming. I thought, “I can’t believe I’ve done this, what a mistake,” but by then it was done. It was a distraction from my music, but I’m only trying to please myself really.

Lots of stars just give their names to a clothing line. Are you involved with design or do other do most of the work?

I’m involved. I could easily go out and make tons of money cashing in – trying to do something my fans could afford at Target – but I’m not really interested in that. I’m passionate about designing and find it very artistic. I want to do it for real and make a brand that’s going to last. I want something that well be there for my 15-year-old daughter. I love it so much that if it got taken away, I’d be so sad. I want to cry just talking about it.

You do some mainstream fashion, making LeSportsac bags. How did that happen?

They asked me to be a guest designer and I thought, “Why not?” I remember them from when I was a kid. When the bags came out it was weird. I’d see a girl across the street, owning her bag, but it was my bag, you know what I mean? It’s a bit of a jealous feeling but it’s magical that people like my bags and clothes. One thing that saves me from that jealousy is that I have them the season before.

What skills do you need to be a designer?

The whole collection, of course, is just ripping off everyone else. That’s what I’ve done my whole life in music, style, everything. I don’t care who you are, it’s all about stealing and borrowing from everyone and making it your own.

Who’s your favourite designer?

One would be John Galliano. I can’t even believe I know him. Vivienne Westwood is another. The first fashion show I went to was hers. Talk about stealing ideas. I don’t know where she stole hers from but her clothes are so wearable.

Why did you call your clothing line LAMB?

Lamb was the name I used to call my dog. Her real name was Marilyn – after Marilyn Monroe – because she had blonde hair, but it developed into Lamb because, for the past few years of her life, she always followed me everywhere, like Mary’s little lamb. I then started calling anything cute “lamb” and named the clothes after my dog who passed away.

Do you call Gavin “Lamb”?

Hmm, interesting. No. Lamb has taken on a whole new meaning with the clothes, so it doesn’t mean what it used to.

Do you have any indulgences when it comes to clothes?

When I go to London I splurge on Vivienne’s clothes and come home with bags full of them. I’ll buy whatever I can because I love her clothes and they fit me really well. She’s spectacular.

Are there any similarities between creating a garment and writing a song?

It’s the same feeling. You write a song for yourself, from your heart. I don’t sit there thinking. “What kind of song can I write for my fans?” I write my song and then it goes out there and people embrace it as the backdrop to their life.

What does the upcoming solo album mean for No Doubt?

We’re taking a break but we’re definitely not breaking up. I wanted to make an ’80s dance record with fake drumbeats, kinda like Salt-N-Pepa, and I couldn’t do that with No Doubt. I haven’t finished it yet.

What do you think of the constant comparisons to Marilyn Monroe, Jean Harlow and Madonna? Are they annoying or flattering?

It’s crazy but it’s not annoying. It’s amazing to be playing Jean Harlow in this new film The Aviator [which also stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett. It's bizzare that I get to play the original blonde bombshell. She comes on the screen and she's a light bulb. Growing up in LA, I became really fascinated with starlets. My whole room was filled with Marilyn Monroe posters and I loved old musicals and early Hollywood. It was such a glamorous era. Madonna came out when I was at school and I was into other types of music. And admitting I liked a pop idol was not something I did very often. It wasn't until later that I really started to appreciate what an incredibly talented person she is.

Do you and Gavin hang out with Madonna and Guy in London?

Yeah. We've had dinner together and she's great. I like London. I get lots of attention and better tables in restaurants. I was talking to Madonna and she says she prefers her life in London because she feels more free. I know what she means, [In London] I get to have a break and have family time with Gavin.

Do you think you’ll get an English accent?

No. If I ever sound English, slap me.

Is your body natural or the result of grueling work-outs?

You want me to talk about my hot body? Before anyone has any ideas about me, I’d like to say that I have to work very hard to look as good as I do. I work out every day but wearing cute clothes is good inspiration. So if I want to eat pizza. I do. But if I want to wear cute clothes, I don’t.

Are you on a permanent diet?

I go through waves with food. I’m probably like everyone else. If something cool is coming up and I want to look good, I get into my healthy fitness rage and take care of myself. As soon as it’s over, it’s like “Hooray, let’s go get pizza.” I do whatever I want, I become a lazy slob and watch TV. Then I get motivated again. It’s the same old cycle and it’s the same for everybody I know.

Your busy with music, movies and the fashion thing. How do you find time to be with Gavin?

I make sure it’s a number-one priority. Everything else is second. Sometimes I have to say no to things because I want to be home with him and hang out. Relationships are work, like everyone says. You have to put the time in, but so far it’s been really fun work. He’s so talented, he’s good at everything and he’s an amazing cook – so I really scored. We have a great time together. I love being married. But I don’t have advice for anyone on relationships. If you read any of my lyrics you’ll see that! I’m finding my way like everyone else.

You talked about making clothes for your daughter. Are you planning to have children?

I hope so, sometime in the future. I do think about babies and kids. We really want them but at the moment we’re enjoying the marriage and being together without children. My life has turned out nothing like I thought it would. Things have kind of evolved. I believe there is a plan for me and it will happen.


Newsweek (Aug. 30th 2004)


Cosmopolitan (June 2004)