Cosmo Girl UK (October 2005)


Crazy Sexy Cool

When queen of cool, Gwen Stefani, scheduled downtime with CG!, we hit her with your must-know questions on guys, fashion and, erm, bananas…

[via nxdscrapbook]

I love your solo album Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Would you have tried this kind of music if you were still in No Doubt? Louise, 15, Essex

What happened was we’d made made a record and after that we said, “We’re going on a break.” No Doubt had never taken a break in 17 years. So I said to Tony [Kamal, No Doubt bass player and Gwen's ex], “Wouldn’t it be fun to do a dance record while we’re on the break, the sort of fun songs we listened to in high school?” So the idea was to work with new people and then return to No Doubt, but I never thought my solo album would be this successful.

What is it with your banana obsession? Hannah, 15, Boston

I’m very fond of bananas, but not [puts on a stuffy English accent] “bananas!” When we were writing Hollaback Girl I was looking at tons of different cheers. I wasn’t a cheerleader myself, but in the US all these different traditional cheers are sung at games and the banana cheer is a famous one. Well obviously the ’shit’ part isn’t in it!

How do you deal with fame? Where do you hide? Susie, 17, Southampton

I don’t hide. Fame’s one of those things it’s hard to describe until you experience it, no one prepares you. If I’m feeling sorry for myself, or feeling fat and ugly, or any of the things that might put me in a bad mood, I don’t leave the house! I know it won’t last forever though so I just try to enjoy it. I’m lucky.

What’s the best thing about your job? Sophie, 14, Derbyshire

Lately it’s felt like I have a thousand jobs and they’re all great. It’s awesome to get to a point where you’re surrounded by unbelievably talented people and you earned it through years of extremely hard work.

Do you see yourself as a role model? Ellie, 18, West Midlands

After so long in the business I am aware of it. For the longest time it was just people like me at our shows, there wasn’t an age difference, but now it’s so varied. I watch certain words I would have said on stage. You do feel slightly responsible. People have asked me to endorse products, but I’ve said no. But I don’t live my life by it. I don’t say, “It’s my life. I never asked to be a role model.” I just try to be a good person.

Hey Gwen! You’re my total idol, but who are yours? Christina, 14, Ascot

Because of the bands I like, I had tons of guy idols. I was into Madness and a group called Fishbone. I’ve always like Julie Andrews, I’m a huge fan. I’ve met so many people I’ve looked up to. Sometimes, it’s not that they disappoint you, but you lose your fantasy of them a little. But everybody I’ve met has been cool, I’ve never met an idol and thought, “Oh no, I hate them!”

Hi Gwen, can you help with some guy advice? You must have loads of admirers, how can you tell when a guy likes you? Lauren, 15, Leeds

That’s where I can’t help you Lauren, because I’ve only had two boyfriends in my entire life! I’d die if I had to go on a date. I live through all my friends’ love lives and they tell me about flirting and stuff and I’m like “Oh my gosh!” So I don’t have any love advice, I’m afraid. If you listen to my songs you can see I don’t have a clue!

You seem like a strong woman. Who wears the trousers in your relationship with Gavin? Teresa, 15, Lincoln

I think we balance each other out, that’s why we’re in love. Neither of us rules the house. It’s our little sacred world and I don’t give much out about it. But I have to say my husband balances me out.

How do you walk in those ginormous shoes you wear? Fiona, 14, Dundee

I’ve always wanted to wear heels since I was a little girl. Now I’m all grown up I wear them as much as I can. The higher the better. But it definitely takes practice.

What’s all this Harajuku stuff about? Racheal, 17, South Wales

Harajuku is a shopping district in Tokyo and when I first went there I felt like I’d come home. It was like another planet, but the planet I was meant to be on. It’s so cool where kids hang on weekends. They’ve got a real sense of style and it’s all about showing off your personality through fashion. I had a fantasy about getting myself some Harajuku girls and the next thing I knew it was true.

Do you make your outfits? Diane, 18, Peterborough

Yeah, it’s all part of the creative plan. I think the visuals on Love. Angel. Music. Baby. are equally as important as the music. It’s just beginning in a way because I’m starting a clothing line called Harajuku Lovers that’s for the fans. I created a range called LAMB, that’s like my fashion line that is really for me. But Harajuku Lovers is almost like a Hello Kitty line. It’s crazy and cute!


Entertainment Weekly (Oct. 7th 2005)


Allure (October 2005)