BlogHer (Nov. 15th 2011)
Harajuku Mini: The Launch -- Part Two of My Chat With Gwen
Did you think I left you hanging?
To review quickly, last week I had the chance to chat with Gwen Stefani and grill her about all things Harajuku Mini...and some things not Harajuku Mini. And then on Saturday I got to do it AGAIN. I know. And this time, in person. I know.
I'm an LA townie, so I can mostly keep my sh*t together around celebs just by nature of the fact that they're my neigbors and colleagues (except when I interned for George Clooney and met him on the first day I totally forgot how to speak, but c'mon...George Clooney was talking to me and I was like, 20) but getting to interview Gwen was still pretty freaking mind blowing to me. This woman isn't just a Rock Star. She's a creative tour de force and a kickin' mommy to boot. And also, she just revolutionized my daughter's closet. So let's get to it, okay?
Morgan Shanahan: Okay, I have to tell you - I asked Twitter what they wanted to know about you and some of the questions I got back were "How do I start my own empire" and "How do I get to be her when I grow up?" so...people really love you. [Gwen laughs and is very gracious] But also, people really want to know about your beauty regime, so...can I ask you?
Gwen Stefani: Sure, go ahead.
MS: So, the red lipstick, they said you wouldn't tell me, but - is there a signature shade?
GS: [Laughs] People always want to know that, and they never believe me. It's really not one signature shade. Now that I've collaborated with Loreal, they've hooked me up, I mix colors a lot. I go for more of a blue red than an orange red - or lately more of a pink red - it's not just one color, I'll even wear burgundy's always different.
MS: I've never been able to get it right.
GS: You have to go for a blue red. Orange red is more challenging to wear for pale skin and light blondes.
[Editor's Note: I should have taken that one to the grave, because that is GOLD right there. -MS]
MS: And the hair? How do you maintain the hair?
GS: Ahhh, I have to keep some things a mystery. [Laughs] Um, I do it very carefully. I follow the Marilyn Monroe Rules. I looked up what she used to do and I follow it.
MS: Fair enough. Anything else you want to tell us about Harajuku Mini? Where do you see it going in the future? Harajuku Mini furnishings?
GS: If Target will have me, I'd do all of it...although oh my god, that sounds like a lot of work. But I would - I want to do it all. I love this line. I told Target they have to do special sizes for my kids because they're going to outgrow it soon.
MS: It's so cute on them. The whole line is crazy adorable. Was there a hardest part?
GS: The restrictions - children's clothes have tons of restrictions on them. Once we learned to work around all the restrictions it's been so fulfilling. For me - everything I've done in my life has been really sort of - it just creeps up on's very natural, it's very organic, I don't usually say "I'm going to do this right now" - you know?
The timing with Target was so right when they came to me - same with Loreal, when it comes to me and it feels right, it's so incredible, because there are so many amazing opportunities I have to say no to - most of them actually...but getting to do this line has been so much fun for me. When I look back and see all the things that I've done in my life I always think "how did I get so lucky?" It's been this natural evolution of opportunities that I am so grateful for.
I mean... could she be more gracious? I assure you, she could not. And the launch event she hosted on Saturday was like an awesome wonderland for fashion-obssessed tots. And I just so happen to have a fashion-obssessed tot.
So an afternoon of hairdos and facepaint, and fashion shows, and bedazzling pieces of the brand-spankin' new Harajuku Mini line? Um, yes please.