TODAY (Jan. 27th 2017)


Gwen Stefani x Celine Dion

MATT LAUER: It's for its twelfth season. Gwen Stefani is coming back, by the way, as a coach. And she's bringing along some A-list help. Here's NBC's Joe Fryer.

(Begin VT)

JOE FRYER: You could call it a coaching duet.

GWEN STEFANI: There's nobody like Celine.

JOE FRYER: Gwen Stefani is teaming up with a mentor, known for her voice-- Celine Dion. Music to Gwen's ears.

GWEN STEFANI: To get like the prize right here, everybody is going to be so mad, the other coaches, that I got you.




GWEN STEFANI: So excited.

JOE FRYER: When we sat down with the duo, it was less of an interview and more of a concert.

CELINE DION: That's why singing is so fabulous, that's the story of-- that's the story of Gwen.

GWEN STEFANI: Honestly, I've never met anyone like this girl here.

JOE FRYER: How well did you guys know each other before this?

CELINE DION: Well, I know Gwen very well. I mean I know her career. I know how beautiful she is all the time. And I'm still jealous that this is-- I can't see one thing.

GWEN STEFANI: I'm just not going to say a word. I'm just absorbing this moment right now.

JOE FRYER: If Adam Levine and Blake Shelton have a bromance, then this is a galliance. Celine even gushed over Gwen's style after buying a gold jacket from Stefani's L.A.M.B fashion line and getting quite the reaction when she wore it skiing.

CELINE DION: I hear people screaming, hey, we love your outfit.

JOE FRYER: She's clearly a big fan of you. I'm guessing you're just as big a fan of her.

GWEN STEFANI: You know what? I'll tell you what I think about her. I am blown away by her unbelievable story. To end up, like, having this unbelievable gift, to be able to speak through music, to the whole world.

CELINE DION: Gwen, I need love.

JOE FRYER: Is this what it's always like?

CELINE DION: I'm crazy.

GWEN STEFANI: I've heard music all day long. Like her brain, I don't know what's going on in there. But it's crazy inside there. And it's awesome.

JOE FRYER: A golden dream team passing along their wisdom.

CELINE DION: Even though I've been in the business for so long, I'm still learning.

JOE FRYER: While singing each other's praises.

CELINE DION: When I need you--

GWEN STEFANI: Oh, Gwen I need you?

CELINE DION: I just close my eyes and--

JOE FRYER: Two music superstars, truly giving a voice to The Voice.

For TODAY, Joe Fryer, NBC News, Los Angeles.

(End VT)

MATT LAUER: That's going to be fun.




MATT LAUER: Yeah. All right. And by the way, you can catch the season premiere of The Voice, that's Monday, February 27th. And we're going to have more music just ahead. Louis Tomlinson and Steve Aoki are going to perform live in our studio in just a couple of minutes.

But first, this is TODAY on NBC.


People (Feb. 14th 2017)


People (Jan. 3rd 2017)