TODAY (April 24th 2017)


Season 12 Coaches

And finally to The Voice on TODAY. Carson was in L.A. getting ready for tonight's live show. And he found time to sit down with the season 12 coaches, Adam Levine, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys and Blake Shelton.

(Begin VT)

CARSON DALY: Blake, you've been here since the beginning. You've won five times with all of the coaches we've had in and out. What does season 12 feel like to you?

BLAKE SHELTON: It feels like it's going to be the easiest one to win for me yet. I think we all have a lot of expect for each other. Even though I think Adam looks stupid right now, I do have a lot of respect for him.

ALICIA KEYS: Why is that whenever he changes his hair color, you just feel like an instant in to just go after him? What is that? Is that like a personal--

BLAKE SHELTON: I feel like he does it so I will do that actually.

ADAM LEVINE: I do actually.


ADAM LEVINE: What is that on your head?


CARSON DALY: You're a father to beautiful Dusty Rose. I mean so much has happened the last five years. Has being a father changed at all what it's like to be at work?

ADAM LEVINE: Like I think the show kind of gave me a better work ethic, like when I started doing it and we started having a successful show. I think that because it was more-- I guess more closely resembled a real job, I mean, it's still not a real job, but it's closer than being a musician. But no, being a dad just made me really happy.

CARSON DALY: Alicia, what's the season-- your second time around on the show been like?

ALICIA KEYS: I have to say the second season is definitely better than the first because I was just-- I felt crazy the first one. I didn't know what was coming, how to handle it, what to do, felt like as an assault of just all my emotions. I was just losing my mind. This time, I feel similarly. I feel as passionate. But I do have a sense of what to do.

CARSON DALY: Gwen, your life has just been a roller coaster. More recently, especially since you've been on this show.


CARSON DALY: How is coming to work every day with these incredible three people around you? How has that helped you sort of find center line?

GWEN STEFANI: I mean, each season has been so completely different emotionally for me. You know, first season, I had a brand-new baby that was like-- I'd never done something like this before. And second season was like, everybody knows, had a crazy season. I just can't believe I get to come back, like I love being here so much.

CARSON DALY: Has America's insatiable appetite for your whole situation, has that calmed down because it seemed like it was-- at one point?

BLAKE SHELTON: God, I hope so. Please, I hope so.

CARSON DALY: It got to a really pretty crazy point. You think it's mellowed out a little bit since you're on the air and you're together and it's--

BLAKE SHELTON: I don't think it's-- it's mellowed out really. I mean, I think we don't pay as much attention to it anymore or numb to it. I mean, any time you see a story about us, it's either that it's a fake relationship or that we're already married or we're going to get married or she's on her second set of twins or, you know, I'm sneaking behind her back to eat meat. I eat meat-- I eat meat right in front of her face every day.

ADAM LEVINE: Every single-- every single one of those things is true.

BLAKE SHELTON: In people's defense, I think it's so hard for people to wrap their head around why Gwen would want to be with me. I don't blame them.

ADAM LEVINE: Hear, hear.

BLAKE SHELTON: I don't blame them.



GWEN STEFANI: You're crazy. You're crazy.

(End VT)

DYLAN DREYER: And of course you can catch The Voice live tonight at eight, seven Central right here on NBC. That's your giant POPStart.


AL ROKER: Blake, come on, my man.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Blake is my spirit animal.

HODA KOTB: Mine, too.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: That's right. You did name your dog after Blake.


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: I mean that's like-- okay. Game, set, match.


TV Guide (May 1st 2017)


People (April 3rd 2017)