Electronic Gaming Monthly (December 2002)


Talking Malice with No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani

Celebrities are normal people, too—just incredibly rich ones. You like games; they like games. Each issue, we'll talk to a different celebrity who plays games, is involved in their creation, or is lucky enough to be in one.

This month, we caught up with No Doubt's frontwoman, Gwen Stefani, who provides the voice of the heroine in Sierra's character-based action-adventure title Malice, available early next year for PS[sub2] and Xbox. No Doubters Tony, Adrian and Tom play cronies in Malice, and the band also provides some of the game's tunes.

EGM: What favorite digital diversions do you groove to, little miss rock star?

Gwen Stefani: Intellivision is where it's at. I have to go old school. Frogger, Ms. Pac-Man…you name it.

EGM: Think Malice will be the break No Doubt needs to hit ir big?

GS: Ha, maybe. Either way, it's an exciting collaboration. We see it as a great way to put our music out there for the public. Video games are the future.

EGM: You're just a girl-albeit now, a 3D-rendered one. Is that bizarre or what? GS: It's weird. Everyone says Malice and I are so much alike. Hearing that is flattering, but also kind of strange. Picture what it'd be like if it happened to you.

EGM: Hmmm…something of a transgender bender, we'd think.

GS: I see your point…the lead character is female.

EGM: Very observant. Notice anything else odd here?

GS: Yeah… that Malice girl is bound to stir up controversy. The game's set in a fantasy world, but she's got a lot of pent-up aggression.

EGM: Just like you, right?

GS: Not really. I've never even been in a fight. I relieve aggression through my music.

EGM: Us too. The armpit trombone's a classic. Wait, that's disturbing.

GS: Not as disturbing as how many hours people will probably clock into this game. The dedication is amazing. You know what they say about too much of a good thing.

EGM: It's simply orgasmic?

GS: [sighs] No.

EGM: Moving right along, then, what makes Malice so unique?

GS: It'll interest females. Ask yourself why the only other games featuring girls are stereotypical stuff like Tomb Raider. I'm curious myself to see how many ladies want to give it a try.

EGM: So compared to your day job, is this gig a dream come true or what?

GS: Something like that. Playing the character of Malice was really exciting for me. Who knows? Maybe it'll kickstart my career!


Newsweek (Jan. 27th 2003)


SPIN (December 2002)