Cosmo Girl (Dec. 2001/Jan. 2002)


Cosmo Girl! Of The Year

[edited version]

THE POET - Gwen Stefani, 32, Los Angeles, CA

Gwen Stefani, lead singer of No Doubt, may be "just a girl," but she's more than just a singer. She's an artist who's got the guts to share the most intimate details of her life--even the worst lows--in her lyrics. She puts the stuff we're all thinking into words. But here's why we're really celebrating Gwen: Last year was the happiest she's ever been. She's got a hot career and a boyfriend she loves (Bush lead singer Gavin Rossdale). And two songs that Gwen collaborated on, with Eve and Moby, won MTV Video Music Awards! Of course, that's just the obvious stuff that made 2001 great. The most amazing thing about Gwen's year is more subtle. It's her whole new I-found-myself-vibe. She's taking those liberating feelings and putting them into her music. No Doubt's latest album, Rock Steady, reflects this new positive attitude. Listening to it, we can't help but be inspired to put ourselves out there, too.

"I have had the best year--I really have! Rock Steady has been so much fun that I almost feel guilty about it. I'm so excited about the record, I just want to tell everyone! Tell everyone, okay?

"Writing songs is super-intimate. It's like getting naked. You can't be embarrassed--you gotta just do for it. I usually use a thesaurus when I write because you go, 'How do I say this?' You find a different word. That word might bring another word that brings another stream of thoughts. But on this record, I didn't do that. The lyrics are simple--not big and deep. Just little snapshots of the day. I told myself, 'I'm gonna write whatever's on my mind, and write it fast.' I don't give advice in my songs. I just tell how it's been for me. I feel more comfortable doing that than saying, 'You should do this, or make sure you wear deodorant.' I'm looking too, as much as anyone. But there are a lot of happy love songs on this album because that's where I'm at right now.

"It makes me happy being a female in this world at this time. It's such a weird time for us. I mean, think about it. In our parents' generation, being a woman was a whole different thing, raising a family. My mom didn't have to work. But I've been so lucky because I've gotten to experience being creative as a woman. My whole life is about being creative and traveling the world. I see exactly what's going on. How cool is that?"


New York Daily News (Dec. 16th 2001)


Q Magazine (December 2001)