Chicago Tribune (Jan. 7th 1997)


Just A Whirl

No Doubt, the year has been frenzied - but Gwen took time to chat

Around Christmas, almost a year after No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom"landed in record stores, it hit No. 1 on the charts. Lead rocker Gwen Stefani, 26, has become an inspiration to countless girls -- as much for her smart lyrics as her souped-up stage presence. Recently, Gwen squeezed in an e-mail interview with reporter Lou Carlozo.

1. What's the latest on your voice?(Gwen did the interview by e-mail because she had a sore throat.) It sounds like you're planning to rest it up over the next few weeks.

GWEN: My voice has actually mended very well. I've worked with a vocal coach for a month, and we've changed the way I tour so that there are more off days to rest and relax.

2. What exactly is that thing between your eyebrows?

GWEN:That's how I communicate with my home planet!

3. Are you tired of singing "Just a Girl" yet?

GWEN: Absolutely not! Every time we play "Just a Girl" in a different city, the audience brings new life to it. Everyone is singing along, having a good time, and the energy level is fantastic!

4. What was the highlight of 1996 for you and the band?

GWEN:Appearing on "Saturday Night Live." The fact that Chevy Chase was there made the experience even more special.

5. What's the best/worst part of touring

GWEN: The best part of touring is playing shows around the world. It's wonderful to have people come up and share in the experience of expelling a lot of energy and having a good time. The worst part, by far, is being away from our families for so long.

6. How do you feel about the attention you're getting from teenage girls, the "Gwennabees," as SPIN magazine called them?

GWEN: Gwennabees," that's really funny. It's amazing to have a connection with girls all over the world that you've never met. No matter where they are in the world, we've shared a lot of the same experiences, have a lot of the same interests. It's great for me to be able to relate.

7. It's also been a tough year for the band, with the grueling schedule and non-stop action. Is everyone getting along?

GWEN: We're getting along really well -- especially since we made our therapeutic "Don't Speak" video. It's amazing that we can still be so close, considering that we've been on a tour bus together for a year straight. That's pretty much seven days a week, almost 24 hours a day.

8. Speaking of getting along... How does it feel to play in a band with your ex-boyfriend (Tony Kanal)?

GWEN: It's perfect playing in a band with Tony, because we're really good friends -- we like to hang out together. We take it one day at a time.

9. Any idea when you'll start on the next record? Do you have songs ready?

GWEN: We're hoping to start on the new album in the summer. We'll be touring Europe and the States from January through June and hope to get into the studio by July. We already have seven songs that are almost ready.

10. It took your band years to make it. Any advice for kids who are getting a band together and want to go for the big time?

GWEN: First of all -- don't go for the big time. That's not a good reason to be in a band. You're so worried about "making it" that you lose your main focus, which should be the creativity. Being in a band takes a lot of dedication, hard work and commitment. You should enjoy creating music and being with each other. Any success that comes is icing on the cake.


The Orange County Register (Jan. 8th 1997)


Rolling Stone (Dec. 26th 1996)