(September 2002)

Frequently Asked Questions

from graham in sb 9/27/2002 
Hey guys! Are you guys going to do a west coast tour sometime in the future? If you do, could you guys schedule a concert at the Santa Barbara Bowl. We are such big fans of you guys here. Go ND!   
We are doing a U.S. tour this fall and we are playing throughout California, but not in S.B. this time unfortunately. Check out the tour dates section of this site for the nearest show.  - Tom Dumont

from Britafly! 9/27/2002 
Could you tell me who Phil Jordan and Alan Meade are?   
They used to be in No Doubt. They parted ways with the band years ago in the early 90's. Phil played the trumpet with us and Alan sang.  - Tom Dumont

from Shawn Michael 9/27/2002 
hey guys. i'm from brooklyn, but like for the past few years ive been bi-coastal. like 2 years ago i think i was in anaheim cali (disney purposes) and like we were at some hotel and down the street was this like cantonese restaurant/ karaoke bar. just wondering if any of you guys ever stop in there and sing. i think its like off of katella or something. one love. p.s. If gwen ever gets pregnant shawn michael is the perfect name. (ha)   
Good question. Actually none fo us live in Anaheim anymore. We do like to hang out at better Mexican restaurants in the Los Angeles area, but I can't tell you which ones. Years ago we used to spend Tony and Adrian's birthdays doing karaoke at the Lin-brook Bowl in Anaheim.  - Tom Dumont


Songlounge (Sept. 11th 2002)

Next (July 2002)