Country Cool (Feb. 22nd 2000)

Online Chat: Blake Shelton

On February 22, IFCO (the International Fan Club Organization) teamed up with to present an online chat with Giant Records artist Blake Shelton. Here's a transcript of the event.

Johnson Gang: HEY, BLAKE! We're thrilled about your new GIANT Record!

Blake Shelton: Thanks. I'm excited about it, too.

Johnson Gang: Tell us about, SHAME ALL OVER YOU!

Blake Shelton: The title of the possible single is "All Over Me." We haven't picked a single for sure yet.

Johnson Gang: Ooooo...not Shame All Over Me?

Blake Shelton: Nope.

Johnson Gang: Sorry, we've been leading folks astray!

Blake Shelton: Thanks for downloading my stuff.

JRomeo: This is Coggburn's mom, how are you?

Blake Shelton: How is Corey, JRomeo? Coggburn is somebody I went to High School with.

Johnson Gang: Blake, what all are you doing during Country Radio Seminar? That's a BIG event for Country!

Blake Shelton: I'm playing Tues. night at the Ryman. It's my first time.

CL: Is it sold out yet?

Blake Shelton: It's a give-away thing that the radio station is doing.

Johnson Gang: Blake, will the show with Neal McCoy, JoDee Messina, etc. be a webcast?

Blake Shelton: The show will be webcast on

webgirl: Yea, what about this webcast of the 29th show.... are you excited about that?

Blake Shelton: Yeah, I'm excited and nervous.

melmar: When will the record be out.

Blake Shelton: The record will be out in late Summer.

Johnson Gang: The download SHOULD only be a teaser! Right?

Blake Shelton: Yeah, it's just the chorus of three songs off my album.

Red Foley: Who is one of your favorite songwriters?

Blake Shelton: One of my fav. songwriters is Bobby Bradock and Bob McDill. Earl Thomas Conley is my favorite all-around singer/songwriter.

CL: Didn't you write something with him?

Blake Shelton: I wrote "All Over Me" with Earl Thomas Conley and Mike Pyle.

Denice: hi blake, how are you?

Blake Shelton: Denice, Hello and I'm doing fine.

roboboy1: Blake, when will you play Houston?

Blake Shelton: I don't have plans to perform in Houston. I'm doing a radio tour and I'll probably be in Houston for that.

littlejr17: Blake, when will you be in Germany?

Blake Shelton: I don't know when I'll be in Germany, but I'd love to go some day.

Johnson Gang: Blake, when do you start the radio promo tour?

Blake Shelton: I'll start the radio tour in the next two months.

roboboy1: What label are you with

Blake Shelton: I'm with Giant Records.

roach4: Blake is this your first time chatting

Blake Shelton: This is my second chat, the last was also with IFCO.

Johnson Gang: Blake, will you have your own booth at Fan Fair this year?

Blake Shelton: No, I don't have a booth at Fan Fair, but I'll be at Giant's Booth and American Songwriter's Boooth.

Denice: Blake sitter says hi and we all love you here in San Angelo

Blake Shelton: Hi to the folks in Texas. I miss you!

roboboy1: Well from a professional musicians standpoint: how many players do you carry on the road?

Blake Shelton: I usually carry a five-piece band on the road. But I haven't played in a year and a half. Thanks to IFCO, I'll be performing at the Ryman, the Sunday before Fan Fair.

hugewynonnafan: Do you have a website Blake?

Blake Shelton: My site is

cogg: do you plan on getting a haircut this millenium?

Blake Shelton: No, Somethings never change, Cogg.

littlejr17: whats your alltime fav song and singer

Blake Shelton: My all-time fav. song is "What I'd Say" by Earl Thomas Conley.

JRomeo: Are you going to post more of your music on your site?

Blake Shelton: Yeah, we hope to soon have pieces of all my album on the site.

melmar: blake are you gonna come see them at mrs carols class

Blake Shelton: How much does Ms. Carol's class pay? (Hi Chris)

debipres: Blake....Coco says Hi too

Blake Shelton: Debbie you did great on my last newsletter.

cogg: tell bird to stop singing your songs in the shower!

Blake Shelton: Bird you can sing my songs anywhere you want to.

mscarolchris: mrs.carol ask him if he will come see us

CL: Chris, he will come see us someday; but only if you don't ask him again!

mscarolchris: ok sorry

Blake Shelton: I'd love to come see you guys in the class if I ever get a chance.

CL: What is your favorite Blake song?

Blake Shelton: My favorite song of mine is "Old Red."

Red Foley: Have you taken any new photos lately?

Blake Shelton: I took some new photos and hopefully they'll be on my site soon.

CL: Are you singing it at the Ryman?

Blake Shelton: Yes. I'll sing it at the Ryman.

jeff prince: me and Mikey are here

Blake Shelton: Mike and Jeff, HI!

misty25: hey is blake shelton in the room??

Blake Shelton: Yes, of course I'm here.

misty25: now i am embarrassed

Blake Shelton: What are you embarrassed about, Misty?

Beverly S: Blake, thank you for sending Angela and I the video last year

Blake Shelton: I'd do anything for Angela.

mrteegrl: Blake are you scheduled for any events at fan fair?

Blake Shelton: I'll be doing the IFCO show at the Ryman. I'll do a fan club show Thurs. or Fri. during Fan Fair.

melmar: I bet he has a typing helper.

Blake Shelton: Don't make fun of my typing.

melmar: I'm not. I said you were good.

Blake Shelton: Melmar, thanks for the bird house.

webgirl: Any plans for any club shows during Fan Fair?

Johnson Gang: IFCO Show is June 11th - Sunday night. 7:30 til 10:30 pm!

Blake Shelton: The Fan Fair club show is at Douglas Corner.

cogg: buck says hi

Blake Shelton: Hi Buck.

melmar: when do tickets go on sale, or they already sold out

Blake Shelton: I think there's plenty of Fan Fair tickets left.

misty25: blake u sure do know everybody

Blake Shelton: Misty25, it's good to know you too.

Johnson Gang: Blake, do you have plans to attend the TNN/Country Weekly Awards?

Blake Shelton: To be honest, I hadn't thought about being at the awards show yet.

mscarolchris: have you ever thought about singing pop music?

Blake Shelton: I thought about singing Pop music long enough to get sick at my stomach.

mrteegrl: Is the Douglas Corner thing the fan club party??

Blake Shelton: The Douglas Corner thing is a fan club party, but everybody is welcome.

cogg: when can we anticipate a single?

Blake Shelton: Hopefully, a single will be ready around May, early June.

littlejr17: Yes, how old are you Blake?

Blake Shelton: I'm 23, my birthday is June 18.

mrteegrl: Blake are you related to Ricky in any way??

Blake Shelton: No, I'm not related to Ricky, but I'm asked that often.

Blake Shelton: Hello, to all my family here tonight.

cogg: are you related to dustin smith?

Blake Shelton: Cogg, I sure hope I'm not.

misty25: hi blake

Blake Shelton: Hi to Misty25.

Blake Shelton: Everybody be sure to log on Tues., Feb. 29 on and watch my concert at the Ryman at 7:30pm (CT).

mscarolchris: Blake how often are you on the computer?

Blake Shelton: Soon I'll be on the computer a lot. I'm buying my first one tomorrow.

Denice: I'm your cousin in San Angelo, TX ---crazy----who else calls your mom aunt and you cousin!!!!!

Blake Shelton: Denise, I know who you are. Thanks for your e-mail. The tickets are in the mail.

Johnson Gang: What kind of computer are you getting, Blake?

Blake Shelton: Not a clue on what kind of computer.

misty25: Hey Blake how much are the tickets

Blake Shelton: If you talking about the Ryman show tickets, they're free.

mscarolchris: where do you get them?

Blake Shelton: You have to win them through WSM-Radio for the Ryman show.

littlejr17: Blake at what age did you decide to become a singer

Blake Shelton: I decided to become a singer at age 8, 13, then 15.

engelbert: Blake did you write any songs on your new CD?

Blake Shelton: I co-wrote three songs on my upcoming CD.

mrteegrl: Do you play at the wildhorse at all?

Blake Shelton: I've never played the Wildhorse, but I'd love to.

mscarolchris: when's your next chat?

Blake Shelton: My next chat is next Tues., 29th, during the concert.

cogg: did you write "shes all over me?"

Blake Shelton: Yes, I wrote "She's All Over Me." I co-wrote it.

mrteegrl: how do we log onto the live web cast??

Blake Shelton: Go to for that web cast. Look for the super showcase info.

littlejr17: will you be touring this year

Blake Shelton: I hope to be touring by the end of this year.

melmar: blake this has been great talking and listening to all your fans hope you make it big and we will be waiting on your recordgotta go, starting to storm in okla....

Blake Shelton: Thanks melmar. See you soon.

mrteegrl: do you need any help selling t-shirts!!!!

Blake Shelton: Yes, I need help selling T-shirts, send me a resume.

Carmalina: Blake, do u have any videos out?

Blake Shelton: No, hopefully I'll have a video by this summer.

cogg: are there any songs you would like to remake on an album?

Blake Shelton: I'd like to remake "If You Ain't Lovin' You Ain't Livin'"

Carmalina: Do u have any songs on the radio?

Blake Shelton: My single should be out in May or early June.

engelbert: what will be the single?

Blake Shelton: Tentatively, the next single may be "All Over Me."

CL: That's not soon enough; next week would be better!

Blake Shelton: CL, I would have to agree.

littlejr17: Blake you should sing a remake of "Once in a blue moon"

Blake Shelton: I don't think I could beat ETC's version of "Once In A Blue Moon."

misty25: bye mr.sheltton it was nice talkin to u

Blake Shelton: Misty25, bye.

webgirl: Is Ol Red on the new CD?

Blake Shelton: Yes, Ol' Red is the first cut on my upcoming CD.

Augiemoon: What's gonna be on your t-shirt?

Blake Shelton: I don't what's going to be on my T-shirt, but IFCO has the coolest T-shirt.

mscarolchris: have you played in the Grand Ole Opry?

Blake Shelton: I've never played the Opry. There's nothing I'd love to do more.

webgirl: Are there going to be any remakes on the new CD or are they all original?

Blake Shelton: Except for "Ol' Red," the rest are all originals.

mscarolchris: do you E- mail people?

Blake Shelton: I'll e-mail as soon as I get my new computer.

Johnson Gang: Are you a little awed by the thought of playing the Ryman -- TWICE in a matter of months?!

Blake Shelton: I'm a little awed and a little nervous, but extremely honored.

mscarolchris: what's your e-mail

Blake Shelton: I'm going to e-mail you mscarolchris.

B o n d 0 0 7: Hey Blake

Carmalina: Will u e-mail me too?

Blake Shelton: I'll e-mail you too Carmalina. And Hi to Bond007.

Carmalina: BS...What is your e-mail address?

Blake Shelton:

Miss Molly: Blake, I justed wanted to say hi, love miss molly

Blake Shelton: Miss Molly, Hi and I heard about last weekend.

webgirl: Blake, david just came in and says HI!

Blake Shelton: Hi David, I know you haven't caught any fish.

mrteegrl: do you have a you live in Nashville??

Blake Shelton: I've lived in Nashville over 5 years.

Red Foley: Hey BLAKE, what are some of your hobbies?

Blake Shelton: I'm a huge outdoorsman.

mrteegrl: where did you grow up?

Blake Shelton: I grew up in a little town called Ada, Okla.

CL: Blake, do you collect anything special?

Blake Shelton: I collect pocket knives.

littlejr17: They make the best pocket knives in Switzerland so you've got to come over!

Blake Shelton: littlejr17 I'll be there as soon as I can.

BrandyMarsh: Blake......when is your cd going to be out???

Blake Shelton: Brandy, my CD will be out in the late Summer.

Gramma: Hi Blake, sorry I'm late,

Blake Shelton: Gramma, just glad you made it.

Miss Molly: Blake, Your Mom says hi and she love you. Miss Molly

Blake Shelton: Hey, everyone, my mom's here.

Gramma: will your radio tour bring you out here to the Pacific northwest?

Blake Shelton: My radio tour should bring me to the Pacific Northwest.

Blake Shelton: Any last questions you've got before I head out?

mrteegrl: What is your favorite food??

Blake Shelton: I like everything. Everyone, bye and thanks for taking the time to come to the chat. Please support IFCO. Thanks.


Country Weekly (May 16th 2001)


Billboard (May 30th 1998)