CBS This Morning (April 5th 2013)


Blake Shelton

GAYLE KING: It is hard to be hotter than Blake Shelton is right now. He's got the number one country album. And this Sunday he's not only co-hosting the Academy of Country Music Awards, he's nominated for one, two, three of them. I met Blake at a Country Bar right here in New York City.

(Begin VT)

BLAKE SHELTON (Based on a True Story): I see some deer heads and some dirty bumper stickers up there, everything you need to be a country guy. This is cool. This is really great.

GAYLE KING: Is it cool? That's the thing about you country guy. Is that how you see yourself? And I can tell you during this interview you will not be asked to do The Dougie. You made that clear in your song "boys around here don't do The Dougie."

BLAKE SHELTON: We don't do The Dougie.

GAYLE KING: In Kentucky.


(Blake Shelton Music video)

BLAKE SHELTON: I want to clarify the reason I don't do The Dougie is because I can't dance.

GAYLE KING: Do you see yourself as a good old country boy?

BLAKE SHELTON: You know, between myself and Miranda, I mean, that's the life we don't pretend to be anything other than what we are, you know.

GAYLE KING: Can I just talk about your lyrics?

(Gayle King and Blake Shelton singing)

GAYLE KING: I love that.

(Blake Shelton singing; Warner Bros)

GAYLE KING: High come up a lot in your music--lay-low, stay home--


GAYLE KING: Stay high.

BLAKE SHELTON: We know, high can be a lot of different things.


BLAKE SHELTON: I mean it can be--


BLAKE SHELTON: --you know, something to do with--

GAYLE KING: What can it be?

BLAKE SHELTON: --your wife's cooking.


BLAKE SHELTON: It's like you're high on life.

GAYLE KING: Wha-- what--

BLAKE SHELTON: It could be, you know--

GAYLE KING: What does your wife cook for you, Blake Shelton that makes you high?

BLAKE SHELTON: Oh, my God. Miranda is really good cook.


BLAKE SHELTON: Here's the-- here's what makes Miranda a good cook is that she's not afraid to try.

GAYLE KING: So she's adventurous in the kitchen?


GAYLE KING: When did you know that Miranda Lambert was the one for you?

BLAKE SHELTON: I don't know that I ever really ever had any doubts that she was the one for me, you know.


BLAKE SHELTON: We had our ups and downs for-- for damn sure along the way, you know.


BLAKE SHELTON: But it was just-- I just could not imagine her not being in my life. I just couldn't get over her. I know I can't.

GAYLE KING: Which makes all these rumors about the two of you--you've seen all the headlines--


GAYLE KING: --you're in the magazines, this week, last week.

BLAKE SHELTON: We've been creeping into these tabloids over the last year and a half, you know.

GAYLE KING: And how do you feel about that?

BLAKE SHELTON: Well, I-- I love it.


BLAKE SHELTON: I honestly do love it. I just know that, you know, to have that kind of coverage and if I'm popular enough that they want to put me and Miranda on that stuff, that's awesome. I've got an album coming out, man. Put my album right next to it, too. They'll pick it up if they--

GAYLE KING: Right next to-- so Based on a True Story. So, you know, the rumors are rumors of you being a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater.


GAYLE KING: You could use that in a country song.

BLAKE SHELTON: Yeah. Well, you know--

GAYLE KING: See would just take that.

BLAKE SHELTON: --I just don't think my fans either are buying into it or have time to give a cra-- I mean who has time to care these days?

GAYLE KING: The new album, I love the title, Based on a True Story. Because it sounds to me that it was Blake Shelton saying been there, done that, or I'm doing it now. Is-- is that a-- is that a correct assumption on my part?

BLAKE SHELTON: Yeah. Yeah. It's just an honest album of kind of where I'm at in my life right now. I'm pretty-- obviously I'm very content, who wouldn't be? And I know how lucky I am and I'm just happy and--

GAYLE KING: You use the word lucky to describe where you are today, really lucky?

BLAKE SHELTON: I do. Because--

GAYLE KING: look at you.

BLAKE SHELTON: --I mean-- I mean, I'm a singer; and we could be in Nashville right now and there's way better singers than me back there that I could introduce you to. You know, they just haven't had that lucky break like I have.

GAYLE KING: When you come up on stage, people are very excited to hear-- to see you and hear you. But I heard that you're just as excited to see them. True?

BLAKE SHELTON: I feel a rush. And I-- and I-- and it's always a reminder of-- of why I wanted to do this to begin with.

(Blake Shelton singing)

BLAKE SHELTON: But when I was a kid, my mom entered me into this pageant and-- and--

GAYLE KING: A beauty pageant, I read.


GAYLE KING: Really? A beauty pageant?

BLAKE SHELTON: The Valentine's Pageant or whatever. But-- because I wanted to be a singer, that was a chance for me to be in the talent portion and sing.

(Blake Shelton singing; home video)

BLAKE SHELTON: There was a spotlight hitting me, and-- and it was just this rush this thing that happened to me when I was a kid. And I never got over it. And I-- and I still experience that, you know, and-- and remember why you do that.

(Blake Shelton singing)

GAYLE KING: Do you ever say things or do things that you go, why the heck did I do that?

BLAKE SHELTON: Oh, yeah. I caught some crap over or statement I made about people who don't respect how new country sounds, and they-- and they gripe about it all the time. And I threw the word, old farts--

GAYLE KING: Old farts.

BLAKE SHELTON: --and jackasses in there. And all of a sudden, I don't respect the older people and-- and--


BLAKE SHELTON: --and then I hate my heroes. I don't how, what I said became that.

GAYLE KING: Maybe though, Blake, it's the choice of words old farts.

BLAKE SHELTON: I'm sure it is. Like I-- like I say, you know, it's-- now that would be the thing that I'd go, why did I say old farts, you know?

GAYLE KING: May-- maybe it's the word old farts.

BLAKE SHELTON: Hey, you all. I'm Blake Shelton. Luke Bryan and I'll be hosting the ACM Awards together.

GAYLE KING: So the ACM's are coming up. You're hosting again--

BLAKE SHELTON: I think they keep hiring me back because--

GAYLE KING: --Blake.

BLAKE SHELTON: --I'm one of the only ones that can read in country music--


BLAKE SHELTON: --I can look at the-- the teleprompter and-- and now we've lost Reba--


BLAKE SHELTON: --and she was the only other one and now--

GAYLE KING: Yes. But you've got Luke.

BLAKE SHELTON: And now we've got Luke. And-- and--

LUKE BRYAN: We're the new couple.

BLAKE SHELTON: --so it's kind of work--

GAYLE KING: Some would say two hot guys. Some would two hot guys.

BLAKE SHELTON: I know. Some-- but, you know, there's-- they need help--


BLAKE SHELTON: --those people.

GAYLE KING: Okay. You've got a birthday coming up in June. You're going to be thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-seven?

BLAKE SHELTON: Thirty-seven.

GAYLE KING: Not yet forty. Look at all you've accomplished and you're not even forty. Don't you think of--

BLAKE SHELTON: Thirty-seven.

GAYLE KING: Does thirty-seven seem old to you? Careful. You're talking to somebody who's older than thirty-seven.

BLAKE SHELTON: The age-- actually age doesn't bother me. It's the blur of what the-- when did that happen.

GAYLE KING: So before you turn forty, you'd like do what?

BLAKE SHELTON: Oh, my gosh. I'd like to-- I'd like to really, really slow down. And that means at some point, you know, the TV stuff's going to have to stop. That-- that takes up six months of the year, you know what I mean. And-- and at some point the turn will have to slow down, you know. But I just want to get back to just doing nothing but country music. I just want to go back to being a Hillbilly singer.

(Blake Shelton singing)

(End VT)


USA Today (April 5th 2013)


The Boot (April 1st 2013)