Country Weekly (Sept 9th 2011)


Blake talks stardom and ‘Footloose’

It’s a little more difficult for Blake Shelton and wife Miranda Lambert to go out in public these days. But Blake’s not complaining.

“We definitely don’t go to places like we used to,” Blake said at a press conference prior to a party for his No. 1 single “Honey Bee.”

With the national profile that he and Miranda now have, they are recognized more than ever before, Blake noted. “It can be a pain sometime and you have to have an assistant do things for you,” he said. “But if that’s the worst thing that ever happens, then that’s awesome. Outside of that, this is what I moved to town for. It is awesome and it’s mind-boggling to me. I know how rare it is to be in this position where I’m at now. So, it’s not a problem.”

Blake also talked about his remake of the 1980s pop classic “Footloose,” from the upcoming movie remake of the same name. Some fans have taken to his version while others have not exactly been complimentary. “I expected it to be polarizing when I signed up for it,” Blake said.

He added that the producers had another song in mind, but he was only interested in doing that famous title track. But comments have been mixed. “Some say it’s the worst thing they’ve ever heard in their lives and others say, ‘I really like this version.’ Nobody says, ‘Well, it’s OK.’ I’ve never seen anything more polarizing, but I think that's what I’ve become good at.”


Reuters (Sept. 16th 2011)


The Boot (Sept. 9th 2011)