AOL Music (Aug. 6th 2007)

Blake Shelton

BevilleInMusic: hi there Blake! 

PureShelton: hi Beville! 

BevilleInMusic: where are you IMing us from today? 

PureShelton: I'm in Caldwell, Idaho right next to Boise 
PureShelton: Doing a concert tonight 

BevilleInMusic: I have to start by asking you about your new video for 'The More I Drink.' Hilarious! That had to be fun to shoot. 

PureShelton: Roman White directed it, and he knocked it out of the park for us. The freedom that he gives me and the other actors in the video was great 
PureShelton: because we actually all looked drunk and pissed off :) 

BevilleInMusic: and I love the part where you get arrested 

PureShelton: yeah, that didn't take much acting 

BevilleInMusic: are you saying you're country music's Lindsay Lohan? 

PureShelton: ha! 

BevilleInMusic: always the jokester... even the title of your album is funny. Tell us how you came up with 'Pure BS' 

PureShelton: kids growing up used to tell me I was always full of crap 
PureShelton: and my initials just happen to be BS
PureShelton: well I knew I wanted to be a singer - it's all I ever dreamed about 
PureShelton: And I dreamed of having a tour bus with 'BS' painted on the back of it 
PureShelton: And if ever there was something about me, it's this album. It really fits my personality. So it's Pure Blake Shelton. Pure BS. 
PureShelton: plus, people are always expecting me to say something sarcastic or stupid 

BevilleInMusic: ha! I don't know about stupid, but you've got the sarcasm part down for sure. 
BevilleInMusic: Well I've read this is your favorite album in your catalog ... What makes 'Pure BS'stand out from your first three albums? 

PureShelton: It's the first time I've worked with different producers - Paul Worley and Brent Rowan 
PureShelton: I wanted to show them what kind of a singer I was 
PureShelton: And I'm actually playing acoustic guitar on this album 
PureShelton: I wanted to explore that part of myself and push myself as a singer 
PureShelton:The album is honest and from my heart 
PureShelton: I was going through a divorce when I was making the record. So all of those emotions I was going through, I poured them into this album. 
PureShelton: And I'm telling you, the best way to make a country album is to be going through a divorce while you're making it 

BevilleInMusic: I'm sure! You were truly "living a country song." 

BevilleInMusic: So what song on the album are you most proud of? 

PureShelton: "She Don't Love Me" is my favorite 

BevilleInMusic: mine too!! I love the hook. That better be a single. 

PureShelton: Well I'll tell my label you said so. 
PureShelton: Hell we'll just say right now, yep - it's gonna be the next single. 

BevilleInMusic: yea! Smart move. 

PureShelton: It's sad and sarcastic 
PureShelton: Musically for me it's the most challenging song I ever recorded as a singer - It starts out at the bottom of my range and goes all the way to the top 

BevilleInMusic: George Jones is on the last track of the album, 'The Last Country Song.' That had to be so cool to record with him. I know he's one of your heroes. 

PureShelton: Yeah, George and John Anderson are on that song. They are both like superheroes to me 
PureShelton: they're the reason I wanted to be a singer 

BevilleInMusic: AND, I hear there's a funny story about the recording session with them 

PureShelton: Yes there is. GAC sent over a camera to do an interview with the three of us 
PureShelton: And during the interview, George started to refer to me as "Darryl" 
PureShelton: He'd say stuff like, "Man that Darryl sure can sing." 

BevilleInMusic: That's hilarious! How'd you keep a straight face? 

PureShelton: Well, George's wife Nancy saved the day. She made them stop rolling the cameras and told George my name is Blake. 
PureShelton: So then he turns to me and says, "Yeah, but Darryl's your middle name, right?" 

BevilleInMusic: too funny! But knowing you, I'm surprised you didn't say something like "Right, Mike!" and throw it right back at him. 

PureShelton: maybe to somebody else, but not to George Jones! 

BevilleInMusic: yeah, I guess you shouldn't cross a legend. But I'm sure he knows your name now! 

PureShelton: hopefully, but I'm just so honored to have him and John Anderson on the record 

BevilleInMusic: Well, you've really mastered the art of fun, rowdy songs AND the heartfelt ballads. Which do you think get the best fan response? 

PureShelton: My ballads have always been where I really connect with people 
PureShelton: Like Austin, The Baby and Goodbye Time - they seem to get bigger as time goes by 
PureShelton: But I personally have more fun doing the uptempo songs while I'm on stage 

BevilleInMusic: And how would you say your live performances have evolved over the past decade?

PureShelton: There was a turning point for me at the very begining of 2005 with Rascal Flatts 
PureShelton: there wasn't an inch of that stage that they didn't step on 
PureShelton: so much energy 
PureShelton: And their fans! Wow, you woulda thought The Beatles were up there 
PureShelton: and I thought ... this is what this is all about. It's about having people walk away saying, "Dammit, that ticket should have cost more!" 

BevilleInMusic: ha! 

PureShelton: So I immediately began working on my show - putting my guitar down and high-fiving fans 
PureShelton: My show is more high energy now, and I credit Rascal Flatts for that 

BevilleInMusic: Well anyone who knows country tours know they always involve pranks between artists ... 
BevilleInMusic: and anyone who knows you knows you're a prankster. What's the best tour prank you've ever played or that's been played on you? 

PureShelton: Actually, I'm not a prankster. I'm a jokester. 
PureShelton: I just make fun of their hair and tell them to kiss my ass. I don't put stinky fish in their bus or stuff like that. 
PureShelton: But I've of course been the victim of pranks. 
PureShelton: On the very last night of that same Rascal Flatts tour, their crew hired a high school marching band ... 
PureShelton: So right as I'm singing 'Austin,' they march out on stage playing their fight song. 

BevilleInMusic: No way! So you're singing this beautiful ballad, and it's totally ruined by a marching band? 

PureShelton: Yep. So ultimately, it was the fans who got pranked. 

BevilleInMusic: Seriously! I mean, they were probably waiting all night to hear you sing that, and then those little rascals ruined it. 

PureShelton: exactly! 

BevilleInMusic: Well, you recently added "hero" to your resume. Tell the story of saving your uncle from the intruder in his home! 

PureShelton: ha! This shows how quickly a story can get out of control 
PureShelton: I was hanging out at my mom's house when we got a call from my uncle that there was an intruder in his house, so we drove over there. 
PureShelton: And sure enough, there was a man in the house who was totally out of it. He thought he was in his own home! 

BevilleInMusic: aha, so he'd been hanging out with his friends Jack Daniel and Jim Beam? 

PureShelton: he was clearly drunk. It was the most frustrating conversation I'd ever had in my life. 
PureShelton: So finally I just told him to go outside on the porch, and he did. And then the police came.
PureShelton: Totally no big deal until the local paper found out about it and made it seem like I was a hero 
PureShelton: I'm really just a big chicken ... not a hero 

BevilleInMusic: Well now you're just being humble... 
BevilleInMusic: So if you're not gonna brag on yourself, I'll do it for you. 

PureShelton: Well go right ahead! 

BevilleInMusic: We saw you on the Food Network. Who knew you are such a good cook? What's your signature dish? 

PureShelton: Jello shots 

BevilleInMusic: ha! Will you send me the recipe? 

PureShelton: Seriously, I do get some requests for my fried pickles 
PureShelton: I'll eat anything that's fried. I'd eat a fried salad. 

BevilleInMusic: ditto. that's the only thing I don't like about being a southerner - my inherited weakness for fried food! 
BevilleInMusic: so also on the Food Network, Paula Deen embarrassed you ... and that's hard to do! 

PureShelton: she's a flirt! and she doesn't back down ... 
PureShelton: it takes a lot to make me blush, but she did it. 

BevilleInMusic: was she trying to make your girlfriend Miranda Lambert jealous? 

PureShelton: Miranda doesn't get jealous. She just waits till we get on the bus and then punches me in the arm. 

BevilleInMusic: Nice. What's your favorite thing about Miranda? 

PureShelton: She just has this big personality that she can't hold back. She's always herself - this fiesty blonde from Texas 
PureShelton: "I'm Miranda Lambert and I'll kick your ass!" 
PureShelton: And she was like that before she was a star. 
PureShelton: and you can obviously see her personality through her music 

BevilleInMusic: awwww, that's sweet. Now with you both on the road so much, how often do you get to see each other? 

PureShelton: I actually just took her to the airport! 
PureShelton: when we have time off we try to spend time together at home 

BevilleInMusic: So Miranda's new album and your new album were released on the same day.... 
BevilleInMusic: And I hear you made a bet about whose would sell more. So just what exactly did you lose? ;) 

PureShelton: Well, the bet was that if I won, she'd have to come out to my ranch for a day and do hard labor - like shoveling crap 
PureShelton: And if she won, I'd foot the bill for a 2 week vacation 
PureShelton: so I went ahead and got my passport
PureShelton: now everyday I'm reminded about this vacation 
PureShelton: although I would like to see a recount 
PureShelton: especially in Florida 

BevilleInMusic: ha! you think some hanging chads were involved? 

PureShelton: yes! 

BevilleInMusic: Well in addition to the Food Network, we also saw your cameo in 'The Christmas Blessing.' Ever think about crossing over into acting? 

PureShelton: tha'ts got to be the #1 question that people ask me 

BevilleInMusic: gee thanks, are you saying I'm an unoriginal interviewer? 

PureShelton: ;) 
PureShelton: I don't have any plans of being an actor nor do I have any offers! 
PureShelton: But I guess people ask me that because of my videos, cameos and 'Nashville Star' 
PureShelton: it's easy when you are playing yourself - playing a role is different 

BevilleInMusic: ok, so if a movie were made about your life, what actor would you pick to play you? 

PureShelton: hmmm... I better pick somebody really good looking 
PureShelton: like Matthew McConaughey 

BevilleInMusic: well, he never wears a shirt, so you'd have to be cool with that... 

PureShelton: well then he'd have to gain weight and lose the tan to play me 

BevilleInMusic: So if it isn't acting, what's on the horizon for you? More touring? Writing? 

PureShelton: I'm really concentrating on touring right now 
PureShelton: I want 'Pure BS' to be my biggest selling album - the one to remember me by 
PureShelton: not taking anything away from the other albums 
PureShelton: this is just the best, so I'm going to give it everything I got 

BevilleInMusic: Well I love the album - and I'm gonna hold you to your promise to release 'She Don't Love Me' as a single. 

PureShelton: will do! 

BevilleInMusic: thanks so much for chatting with us today 

PureShelton: in between jello shots 

BevilleInMusic: ha! 

PureShelton: thank you! 


South Bend Tribune (Sept. 2nd 2007)


McClatchy-Tribune Business News (June 28th 2007)