Us Weekly (Nov. 15th 2010)


Blake Shelton: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me

The chart-topping country star, 34, gets personal with Us

1. I like orange-flavored gum.

2. I love it when girls wear cutoff jeans and cowboy boots.

3. I also love when they wear miniskirts and cowboy boots.

4. I often find myself wondering, What kind of tree is that?

5. I love garage sales.

6. I think it's rude when someone wears a baseball cap on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry.

7. I think Chuck Taylors look ridiculous.

8. I love The Golden Girls.

9. I don't know crap about the stock market.

10. I think most of the girls on the Weather Channel are hot.

11. I think Matthew McConaughey is hot.

12. If Australia were closer, I would go there.

13. I had my appendix removed when I was 9 years old.

14. I don't have a birthmark.

15. Something about the way Play-Doh smells makes me want to eat it.

16. I've only ever owned trucks

17. I once accidentally burned 300 acres of my own land.

18. I am interested to know how quaaludes would make me feel.

19. I once bought and sold a powered parachute before even trying it.

20. I have had three pet raccoons.

21. I love log furniture.

22. I love "Words With Friends" on my iPhone.

23. I don't know how to ski - on snow or water.

24. I think it is disgusting when guys dip smokeless tobacco.

25. The last time I went to a movie theater was to see Liar Liar with Jim Carrey.


The Boot (Nov. 16th 2010)


Associated Press (Nov. 13th 2010)